Fiscal sponsorship is a taxation structure which allows small nonprofit organizations to provide the tax benefits of established registered charity organizations to their donors without obtaining 501(c)(3) status themselves. This allows organizations like the Refugio Tinti to focus fully on their activities on the ground by outsourcing the administrative overhead to their fiscal sponsor. In this way, we can ensure that 95% of your donation are actually used for the purpose you choose while we are still able to ensure that it is tax deductible as allowed by law. You can read more on this model in the overview of the US National Council of Nonprofits here.
The Refugio Tinti is fiscally sponsored as a project of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Empowerment WORKS. Empowerment WORKS has supported nonprofits on the ground for over two decades in their “relentless pursuit of a sustainable, just future for all.” If you have any questions about this approach, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
What is fiscal sponsorship?Fiscal Sponsorship ist eine Steuerstruktur, die es kleinen gemeinnützigen Organisationen ermöglicht, ihren Spendern die Steuervorteile etablierter eingetragener Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu bieten, ohne selbst den Status 501(c)(3) (steuerliche Absetzbarkeit nach US-amerikanischem Recht) zu erhalten. Dadurch können sich Organisationen wie das Refugio Tinti voll und ganz auf ihre Aktivitäten vor Ort konzentrieren, indem sie den Verwaltungsaufwand an ihren “Fiscal Sponsor” auslagern. Auf diese Weise können wir sicherstellen, dass 95 % Ihrer Spende tatsächlich für den von Ihnen gewählten Zweck verwendet werden, während wir gleichzeitig steuerliche Absetzbarkeit bieten können. Weitere Informationen zu diesem Modell finden Sie in der Übersicht des US National Council of Nonprofits hier.
Das Refugio Tinti wird als Projekt der gemeinnützigen Organisation mit 501(c)(3)-Status Empowerment WORKS steuerlich gefördert. Empowerment WORKS unterstützt seit über zwei Jahrzehnten gemeinnützige Organisationen vor Ort in ihrem “Streben nach einer nachhaltigen, gerechten Zukunft für alle”. Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesem Ansatz haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen!
Was bedeutet “Fiscal Sponsorship”?El patrocinio fiscal es una estructura fiscal que permite a las pequeñas organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro ofrecer a sus donantes las ventajas fiscales de las organizaciones benéficas registradas sin necesidad de obtener el estatus 501(c)(3). Esto permite a organizaciones como el Refugio Tinti centrarse plenamente en sus actividades sobre el terreno externalizando los gastos administrativos a su patrocinador fiscal. De este modo, podemos garantizar que el 95% de su donación se utilice realmente para el fin que usted elija, al tiempo que podemos asegurarnos de que sea deducible de impuestos, tal y como permite la ley. Puedes leer más sobre este modelo en el resumen del US National Council of Nonprofits aquí.
El Refugio Tinti está patrocinado fiscalmente como un proyecto de la organización sin ánimo de lucro 501(c)(3) Empowerment WORKS. Empowerment WORKS lleva más de dos décadas apoyando a organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro sobre el terreno en su “búsqueda incesante de un futuro sostenible y justo para todos”. Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre este enfoque, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
¿Qué es el “patrocinio fiscal”?Nos complace anunciar que una nueva especie animal encontró un nuevo hábitat en el Refugio: el pato enmascarado (Nomonyx dominicus), un pato buceador solitario y raramente visto de las tierras bajas tropicales. Se alimentan de noche y durante el día se les puede ver durmiendo en el estanque nunca lejos de la orilla. Obviamente disfrutan de su nuevo hogar entre estanques de vida silvestre y maleza y esperamos que se conviertan en criadores regulares en el Refugio.
El regreso del pato enmascarado (Nomonyx dominicus)The Refugio Tinti is a wildlife reserve and conservation project next to Piedras Blancas National Park in Costa Rica, one of the most biodiverse areas on earth. By offering to stay at our guesthouse, we want to share the experience of how we reconcile wilderness with humanity at the Refugio.
Our guesthouse is a spacious and open 50m² (540ft²) bungalow facing a calm pond, offering scenic views and maximum privacy. It features a king-size bed, a living area, an ensuite bathroom, a walk-in closet, a small kitchen, WiFi and electricity. However, we abstain from electric lights, noise, smoking and pets to ensure that the wildlife is disturbed as little as possible.
Nearby the Refugio, there is the village La Gamba (around 700 inhabitants), entry into the national park, and 10 minutes by bicycle to a beautiful waterfall. The closest town is Golfito, which is around 20 minutes by car.
The majority of the proceeds from renting out the guesthouse are used for conservation projects led by the Refugio Tinti.
How to book the guesthouse
Please contact us via our contact form here and choose “Visit us” as the category. Tell us your preferred date, the number of people who would like to come, and any questions you have. We will then reach out to you imminently. The founder of the Refugio, Alexander Tinti, would like to call prospective guests prior to their arrival to get to know them and introduce the Refugio personally.
The price for the guesthouse is $95 per night. This includes breakfast for two people, biodegradable hygiene products, and a parking lot for your car. We can arrange dinner as well, if required and also guided tours on horses through the national park. We look forward to welcoming you!
Please keep in mind that nature has priority
Please remember that the Refugio Tinti is a wildlife sanctuary and thus, the wildlife always has priority. The systemic design of the sanctuary aims to reintegrate all humans into the cycles of nature. This allows us to experience the flora and fauna in a unique way, but requires respect and some openness to blend in.
Below you can find some photos of the guesthouse and its quaint surroundings.