This is our presentation at the 9th World Conference on Ecological Restoration.
View of the main building
Casa grande
View from the main building’s terrace
Vegetable and herb garden
Sapphire-throated hummingbird (Lepidopyga coeruleogularis)
Tortoise beetle (Omocerus casta)
Natural double helix
Tropical amberwing (Rhodopygia hinei)
Spanish flag (Lantana camara)
Flag-footed bug (Anisocelis flavolineata)
Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)
Wild maracuja (Passiflora foetida)
Sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica)
Red-lored parrot (Amazona autumnalis)
Parrot snake (Leptophis ahaetulla)
Golfo-Dulce anole (Anolis polylepsis)
Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
Tortoise beetle (Acromis sparsa)
Pond at sunset
Harvesting water hyacinths
Fiery-billed aracari (Pteroglossus frantzii)
Sharpshooter leafhopper (Ladoffa dependens)
Warrior wasp (Synoeca septentrionalis)
Rainforest in the morning
Candy-striped leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)
Zebra leafhopper nymph (Agrosoma placetis)
Stable fly (Stomomyx calcitrans)
Netwinged leafhopper (Biolleyana/Sassula costalis)
Zebra leafhopper nymph (Agrosoma placetis)
White-necked jacobin (Frorisuga mellivora)
Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)
Parrot snake (Leptophis ahaetulla)
Mario and Esteban
Flea beetle (Omophoita personata)
Gladiator frog (Hypsiboas rosenbergi)
Boat-billed heron (Cochlearius cochlearius)
Mariola (Tetragonisca angustula)
Currassow (Crax rubra)
Wild-bitter gourd (Momordica charantia)
Iguana (Iguana iguana)
Mesquite bug (Thasus acutangulus)
Blue dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
Hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe)
Turtle vs. butterfly
Mario and Leonie
Black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)
Guesthouse interior
Max with our first biochar kiln
Mauricio making hot compost
Meeting time
Microorganisms tank
Creating a wildlife pond
Max explaining compost tea
Max explaining our biochar oven
Mario making banana flour
Rainbow grasshopper (Taeniophora valleana)
Great curassow (Crax rubra)
Cacao tree (Theobroma cacao)
Green iguana (Iguana iguana)
Pineapples (Ananas comusus)
Black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)
Harvesting eggs
Max crushing biochar
Herb garden
Snack time!
Casa grande interior
Green iguana (Iguana iguana)
Passionfruit flower
Passionfruit flower
Mounting the bat house
Saragundi (Senna reticulata)
View over our wetland
Volunteer bungalows